Author Archives: compitionpoint - Page 29
Object Oriented Programming
Object Oriented Programming (OOP) involves defining classes and creating objects that resemble real life objects. For example, consider a car. The car has properties such as color, speed, model, manufacturer and…
structures or structs are user-defined data types that can contain other variables as its fields and methods as its behavior. You can create your very own customized data type using structures. Let…
Converting Enumerations
You can converting enumerations to other values and vice versa. Enumeration values are actually numeric values that are just masked by their names so that they can easily be understood.…
Enumeration is a way of defining your own type that can accept a predefined set of values identified by names. For example, you want a variable that can only store directions…
Command Line Arguments
To successfully run a C# application, you must provide a Main method. The Main() method is the starting point of the program. It is declared public or internal, and it must also be static. You can actually…
Delegates are types that hold references to methods instead of variables. A delegate can copy the behavior of any method. To declare a delegate, you use the delegate keyword. Declaring a delegate is…
Recursion is a process where a method calls itself repeatedly until it arrives on a desired value. Recursion is a complex topic in programming and mastering it is not that easy.…
Method Overloading
Method overloading allows you to declare two methods with the same name but has different signatures or parameter set. The program will automatically detect which method you are calling by looking…
Optional Parameters
Optional parameters, as the name suggests, are optional and you have a choice whether to provide the argument or not. Optional parameters are assigned with default values. If you do…
Variable Scopes
Variable Scope in C# have a scope. The scope tells where the variable is available or where in the program it can be accessed. For example, variables declared inside a…