C# Interface
C# Interfaces are similar to classes, but it only contains declarations for methods and properties. Interfaces can be considered as plugins to classes. The class that implements a particular interface is required to make an implementation for the members and methods of that interface. Let’s take a look at how we can define and use an interface on a class.
using System;
namespace InterfaceDemo
interface ISample
void ShowMessage(string message);
public class Sample : ISample
public void ShowMessage(string message)
class Program
public static void Main()
Sample sample = new Sample();
sample.ShowMessage("Implemented the ISample Interface!");
Example 1 – Using an Interface
Implemented the ISample Interface!
We defined an interface named ISample. As a naming convention, interfaces use Pascal Casing and all interfaces should start with letter I. We defined a method inside the interface (line 7). You may notice that the method has no body. When defining methods inside an interface, you only need to write the header of the method. Also, note that methods and properties defined inside an interface cannot have access specifiers since they should always be accessed by implementing classes.
When a class needs to implement an interface, we use the same syntax as the one we used for inheritance. The class that implemented the interface provide the actual code for the members of that interface. As you can see in our Sample class, it provided an implementation for the ShowMessage() method of the ISample interface.
You are not limited to implementing just one interface for a class.
class Sample : ISample1, ISample2, ISample3
//Implement all interfaces
You can supply as many interfaces as you want but make sure that the class that implement multiple interfaces will provide implementations for all the members of those interfaces. If a class is inheriting a base class and implementing interfaces at the same time, the base class should go first in the list before the interfaces.
class Sample : BaseClass, ISample1, ISample2
You can also use the is operator to check if a particular object implements an indicated interface.
Sample sample = new Sample();
if(sample is ISample)
Console.WriteLine("sample implements the ISample Interface!");
Another thing to note is you cannot create instances of an interface because it has no constructor. The following code is illegal.
ISample sample = new ISample();
The following is an example of an interface that has a property.
interface ISample
int Number { get; set; }
You do not provide any code for the getter and the setter. The class that will implement the interface will handle that.
class Sample : ISample
private int number;
public int Number
get { return number; }
set { number = value; }
Interfaces can even implement other interfaces. Consider the following example.
using System;
namespace InterfaceDemo2
interface IBase
void BaseMethod();
interface ISample : IBase
void ShowMessage(string message);
public class Sample : ISample
public void ShowMessage(string message)
public void BaseMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Method from base interface!");
class Program
public static void Main()
Sample sample = new Sample();
sample.ShowMessage("Implemented the ISample Interface!");
Example 2 – Interface Which Implement Another Interface
You can see that even if the Sample class only implemented the ISample interface, it needs to implement all the members of IBase since ISample inherited from it.