When objects contain properties which hold a collection of objects, using  the Select method is not applicable as it will return a “collection of collections” rather than all the items from those collection properties. We need to  use the SelectMany method. The functionality of a SelectMany method is similar to a query expression  with multiple from clauses. Let’s say we have a  class named Company, and it has a property named  Employees which holds a collection of Employee  type objects. A collection of Company objects can  then be created. By using Select method, we can only query each company as seen  below:

var result = comp.Select(c => c);

What if we want to access or retrieve all of the employees for every company  and flatten the result as a one whole list of items. Let’s take a look at the  following example:

class Company
    public string CompanyName { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<Employee> Employees { get; set; }
class Employee
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        //Create some sample comp with employees
        List<Company> comp = new List<Company>
            new Company 
                CompanyName = "Company 1",
                Employees = new List<Employee>
                    new Employee { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" },
                    new Employee { FirstName = "Mark", LastName = "Halls" },
                    new Employee { FirstName = "Morgan", LastName = "Jones" }
            new Company 
                CompanyName = "Company 2",
                Employees = new List<Employee>
                    new Employee { FirstName = "Winston", LastName = "Mars" },
                    new Employee { FirstName = "Homer", LastName = "Saxton" },
                    new Employee { FirstName = "Creg", LastName = "Lexon" }
            new Company 
                CompanyName = "Company 3", 
                Employees = new List<Employee>
                    new Employee { FirstName = "Ben", LastName = "Greenland" },
                    new Employee { FirstName = "Anthony", LastName = "Waterfield" }
        //Get All the FirstName of all employees
        var firstNames = comp.SelectMany(c=>c.Employees).Select(e=>e.FirstName);
        var lastNames = comp.SelectMany(c => c.Employees, (c, e) => e.LastName);
        Console.WriteLine("FirstNames of all employees from the three comp.");
        foreach (var firstName in firstNames)
LastNames of all the employees from the three comp.");
        foreach (var lastName in lastNames)

Example 1 – Using the SelectMany Method

FirstNames of all employees from the three comp. John Mark Morgan Winston Homer Creg Ben Anthony LastNames of all the employees from the three comp.............

We have defined two classes for this example. The first one named Company  contains two properties named CompanyName and Employees. The Employees property  has a type of IEnumerable<Employee> which simply means that it allows you to  store a collection of Employee objects to it. The Employee class was defined and  has two simple properties to define a single employee. In the Main method, we  created a collection of Company objects and initialize it to have three Company  objects. Each Company objects was set a value for their CompanyName and a  collection of Employee objects for their Employees property. Note that we are  using the collection and object initializers here.

Lines 52 to 54 uses the SelectMany method. Line  52 queries the FirstNames of all the employees  from all the comp.

comp.SelectMany(c => c.Employees).Select(e => e.FirstName);

This adaptation of SelectMany method acknowledges only  one contention. We pass a lambda determining the property that the SelectMany will select. As the name of the method  implies, “select many” means the method will select a collection of objects.In our example on top of, we tend to chosen the Employees property of each company that contains a group of Employees. The SelectMany method can currently come back an IEnumerable <Employee>. this permits America to nest another decision to a plain Select technique within which, we tend to chosen the primary name of each worker from the results of the SelectMany method.

There is another version of the SelectMany  method which accepts two arguments, a collectionSelector  and a resultSelector. If we are to rewrite line 52  using this different version of SelectMany, it  will look like this.

comp.SelectMany(c => c.Employees, (c, e) => e.FirstName);

Notice that we don’t need to use the Select  method to select a specific property of every Employee.  The second argument handles that. The second argument accepts a lambda with two  arguments. The first is the current item from the original collection, and the  second is the current item from the selected property of the collectionSelector.