Cause: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded ORA-04061: existing state of package body has been invalidated – ICS Integration Failed

    ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded Cause: : ORA-04068: existing state of packages has been discarded ORA-04061: existing state of package “XXX” has been invalidated ORA-04065:…
Continue Reading Unexpected end of file from server – An error occurred while invoking the target REST endpoint – ICS

  ICS runtime execution error</summary></part><part name=”detail”><detail><detail><errorCode>OSB-380001</errorCode><ICSfaultVar/><reason><genericRestFault><errorCode>REST_CLIENT_RES_ERR</errorCode><errorPath><!]></errorPath><instance><!]]]></instance></genericRestFault>   Calling One integration from Another integration through REST API fails with error “Generic Rest Fault, unexpected end of file from server” An error…
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