Author Archives: compitionpoint - Page 30
C# params Keyword
The C# params keyword permits you to pass any variety of arguments that has an equivalent knowledge sort so store them into one single array parameter. The code below demonstrates…
Arrays as Arguments
You can pass arrays as arguments to a method. You have to specify the parameters of the method that it will accept an array. Let’s take a look at an…
Out Parameters
C# Out parameters are parameters that can accept uninitialized variables or arguments. The out keyword is used when passing an uninitialized variable to a method. Uninitialized variables are variables that contain no value or…
Passing Arguments by Reference
Arguments can be passed by reference. That simply means that we are passing the address of the variable and not its value. Pass by reference is useful when you are…
Parameters and Arguments
Parameters give a method something to play with. They are like raw information that the method will process to give you the data you are looking ; Imagine parameters as information you…
Returning Values from a Method
Methods can return values of any data type. These values can be used for calculations or obtaining data that the method has ; In a real life scenario, imagine that…
Methods in c# let you define a behavior or task which composed of a set of codes that you can execute anywhere in the program. methods can accept arguments which supplement…
Jagged Arrays
Jagged Arrays are multidimensional arrays containing rows of varying lengths. A simple multidimensional array is rectangular because it’s rows has the same number of columns, but jagged arrays can have different…
Multidimensional array
Multidimensional array are arrays that use more than one index to access its content. Imagine a table with rows and columns, a multidimensional array can represent its data in a way…
Foreach Loop
The foreach loop is yet another looping structure in C# which is specially designed for arrays, lists, and ;foreach loop cycles through each of the elements, placing the element’s value into a…