Convert Class – The .NET Framework has a static class available that can be used for converting values from one type to another. The System.Convertclass has some methods that can be used to convert to different target datatypes. You must import the System namespace before using the Convert class. Below shows the table of those methods

Command Result
Convert.ToBoolean(val) val converted to bool
Convert.ToByte(val) val converted to byte
Convert.ToChar(val) val converted to char
Convert.ToDecimal(val) val converted to decimal
Convert.ToDouble(val) val converted to double
Convert.ToInt16(val) val converted to short
Convert.ToInt32(val) val converted to int
Convert.ToInt64(val) val converted to long
Convert.ToSByte(val) val converted to ushort
Convert.ToSingle(val) val converted to float
Convert.ToString(val) val converted to string
Convert.ToUInt16(val) val converted to ushort
Convert.ToUInt32(val) val converted to uint
Convert.ToUInt64(val) val converted to ulong

The following program shows you an example of converting variables.

double x = 9.99;
int convertedValue = Convert.ToInt32(x);

Console.WriteLine("Original value is: " + x);
Console.WriteLine("Converted value is: " + convertedValue);
Original value is: 9.99
Converted value is: 10

The value of val can be any data type but make sure that it can be converted to the target data type. If these commands cannot handle the conversion, then the compiler will tell you about this by issuing an error.