Generic Class C# is a class that accepts type parameters so it’s encapsulated operations can be useful to any data type. Defining a generic class is as simple as defining a generic method. It has a similar syntax of using angle brackets and specifying a type parameter. The following program shows an example of a generic class.

using System;
namespace GenericClassDemo
    public class GenericClass<T>             
        private T someField;                 
        public GenericClass(T someVariable)  
            someField = someVariable;        
        public T SomeProperty                
            get { return someField; }        
            set { someField = value; }       

    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            GenericClass<double> genericDouble = new GenericClass<double>(30.50); 
            GenericClass<int> genericInt = new GenericClass<int>(10);             

            Console.WriteLine("genericDouble.SomeProperty = {0}",
            Console.WriteLine("genericInt.SomeProperty = {0}",

            genericDouble.SomeProperty = 100.32;
            genericInt.SomeProperty = 50;       

Example 1 – Creating a Generic Class

genericDouble.SomeProperty = 30.50
genericInt.SomeProperty = 10

We created a generic class that has a field, property and a constructor (Lines   5-19). All the occurrences of T will be substituted by the type that will be indicated when we create the generic class. When creating a new instance of our generic class, we specify the type inside the angle brackets. Like generic methods, you can also specify multiple type parameters for a generic class.

public class GenericClass<T1, T2, T3>
    private T1 someField1;
    private T2 someField2;
    private T3 someField3;  

You cannot create new objects of type T1T2 or T3 because you don’t know what types they actually are so the following is not allowed.

public GenericClass //Constructor
    someField1 = new T1();
    someField2 = new T2();
    someField3 = new T3();

Non-generic class can inherit generic classes. But you must define a type of the type parameter for the generic base class.

public class MyClass : GenericClass<int>


A generic class can also inherit a non-generic class.