Sealed class are classes that cannot be inherited by other class. Since sealed-classes cannot be inherited, they cannot be abstract. The following program shows an example of a sealed-class.

namespace SealedClassesDemo
    public sealed class Base
        private int someField;
        public int SomeProperty
            get { return someField; }
            set { field = value; }
        public void SomeMethod
            //Do something here
        public Base()
            //Do something here
    public class Derived : Base // ERROR
        //This class cannot inherit the Base class

We use the sealed keyword to indicate that a class is a sealed-class. You can see that sealed-classes are just like normal classes so it can also have fields, properties and methods. Line 25 will produce an error because the Derive class is deriving from the sealed Base class. Sealed classes are useful if you are making a class that prohibits itself from being inherited by others.