1. Car Vin code sdk identification / sdk frame number identification:

  • In the insurance and property insurance industry: friends working with claims often face the situation of copying the frame number (VIN code) into a driver’s license;
  • Friends in the used car industry are also often faced with copying the frame number (VIN) into a driver’s license when registering, testing and inspecting older cars. Some used car markets still have a large parking lot. Check the quad. When entering or exiting this quad, you also need to scan and identify the VIN information to prepare a file.
  •  Not to mention auto repair technicians. They often have to copy vehicle VIN information to quickly find auto parts that can be repaired and replaced. I have a friend who is a professional auto repair technician. He said that every time the VIN code is copied, It’s too much trouble!

Now there is a portable program called eSight ocrVin SDK for code recognition that can quickly and accurately scan and identify (frame number) the VIN code on the front windshield of the car and driver’s license, and it too like a smart Robot can instantly analyze the car information provided by that VIN.

Secondly, the working principle of the Automotive Vin Code Recognition SDK / Number Frame Recognition SDK

  1. It is an SDK for Android + iOS development kit. Its main function is to determine the vehicle’s frame number (VIN). It can be integrated into any mobile app program, which can help any company with Automotive business companies have entered the mobile Internet field after being linked to it!
  2. Car Vin sdk code recognition / frame number recognition sdk is based on OCR image text recognition technology, relying on streaming video camera scanning technology to complete the best image selection, cut out the characters, recognize and output the results within 1-2 seconds. Output vehicle information and other functions;
  3. Vin car code recognition SDK and license plate recognition SDK supports major Android + iOS devices. The camera’s pixel range is most useful in the range of 8 to 16 million pixels. Recognition speed is high and information extraction is accurate. User favorite!

2. Which units are identified by Yibo Huishi Automobile’s VIN:

1. PICC, China Taiping Insurance, Fubon Property Insurance Company, their property insurance claimants, each with their own device (or cell phone or customized mobile terminal), open the company’s application in the car claims and other links, Through the button appears a window to quickly scan and identify the vehicle VIN information, analyze the parameters of the dangerous vehicle, compare the auto parts library, check the relevant parts, price calculation and upload to the insurance companies database

Uxinpai and Guazi used car company business staff also use special applications in the vehicle entry, registration and detection links, press the corresponding button, start the recognition scanning interface, and quickly get the vehicle VIN information through analysis. The outgoing vehicle configuration information + rate information helps the owner to quickly register and sell the vehicle.

3. When Beijing Ruifeng Technology Co., Ltd. provides the government with an integrated mobile policing system, traffic police and other law enforcement officers scan and identify vehicle information through the terminal devices they carry with them, quickly identify suspicious vehicles and speed up case processing; It plays an important role in accompanying the fight against car crime.

4. On the vehicle maintenance platform, employees quickly enter the VIN code, analyze the VIN code information and automatically adjust the maintenance plan according to the vehicle configuration and kilometers, and transmit it to the direct user!

5. 4S vehicle management and logistics store (1) Management of inventory vehicle logistics (from manufacturer to logistics company), (2) New vehicle warehouse management (from logistics company to 4S store and new vehicle storage); (3) Repair and maintenance: VIN scan identification, quick comparison to parts database.

Vehicle Frame Number (VIN) Verification Algorithm Java Edition

The VIN is internationally accepted, with a total of 17 digits, including the digits 0-9 and most English letters (not including I, O, Q). The ninth digit is the check digit. The method of calculating its value: calculate the checksum for the other items, and then divide it by 11 to get the remainder. If the remainder is 10, it is calculated by the formulaX Indicates that this remainder is the value of the ninth place.

The algorithm for finding the checksum: the numeric corresponding value of each position is multiplied by the weight of the position and then accumulated.

This example is used to VIN check: vindecoderz.com

The version of Java determines whether the checksum is correct or not the algorithm:


import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class VinUtil {
    * Character weights table
    private static final Map<Character, Integer> CHAR_WEIGHTS = new HashMap<>();
           * Positioning table of weights
    private static final int[] POS_WEIGHTS = new int[]{8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 10, 0, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2};
    static {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            CHAR_WEIGHTS.put(String.valueOf(i).charAt(0), i);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('A', 1);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('B', 2);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('C', 3);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('D', 4);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('E', 5);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('F', 6);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('G', 7);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('H', 8);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('J', 1);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('K', 2);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('L', 3);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('M', 4);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('N', 5);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('P', 7);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('R', 9);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('S', 2);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('T', 3);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('U', 4);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('V', 5);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('W', 6);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('X', 7);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('Y', 8);
        CHAR_WEIGHTS.put('Z', 9);
    public static boolean isValidVin(String vin) {
        if (null == vin) {
            return false;
        } else if (vin.trim().length() == 17) {
            vin = vin.toUpperCase();
            int sum = 0;
            int checkSum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < vin.length(); i++) { char code = vin.charAt(i); Integer cw = CHAR_WEIGHTS.get(code); if (cw == null) { return false; } int pw = POS_WEIGHTS[i]; sum += cw * pw; if (i == 8) { // Get the value of the check digit if (code == 'X') { checkSum = 10; } else if (code >= '0' && code <= '9') {
                        checkSum = Integer.valueOf(String.valueOf(code));
                    } else {
                        return false;
            return checkSum == sum % 11;
        return false;