Break and continue Statements
C# break Sometimes, you want to stop the loop even if the condition is still true. How do you do that? Well, we can use the C# break keyword to stop the loop…
C# do while Loop
The C# do while loop is another way of making your code repeat its execution. It is almost similar the while loop with one minor difference, it checks the condition after the…
While Loop
The C# while loop is the most basic looping structure in C#. It takes one condition and a set of codes that it will execute for as long as the condition remains…
Looping allows you to repeat a set of code or statements while a given condition is true. Without it, you have to write multiple similar codes just to make your program…
Using Logical Operators example
logical operators in c# with example,Logical operators allow you to combine multiple conditions. These operators involve at least two conditions and the final boolean result is determined by the operator being…
Nesting if Statements
You can nesting if statements in C#. This is simply placing if statements inside if statements. You can make something as complex as the code that follows. if (condition) { code to execute; if (condition)…
Conditional Operator
The c# ternary operator (?:) in C# does the same thing as the if else statement though it is more suited on simple statements such as assigning two different values depending…
If else Statement
C# if else Statement we presented last time is only good if you want to execute a code when one condition is met. But what would you do if you…
If Statement
c# if statement-A program cannot think if it cannot make a decision. C# allows you to execute codes if certain conditions are true or false. By using an ifstatement and…
Making Decisions
C# control statements-Almost every programming languages allows you to execute a code when a certain condition is met. This adds logic to your program. Imagine a program that cannot make…