C# (pronounced as “c-sharp”) is an object-oriented general-purpose programming language created by Microsoft. C sharp can be used to build windows applications, web applications, web services, mobile applications, games, and many more. It is a language that even beginners and students can easily understand. C# has a similar syntax or look-and-feel as other languages such as C++ and Java. The term Visual C Sharp can be interchangeably used with C Sharp but Visual C# specifically means C# when used for creating graphical user interfaces (GUI).

Along with the birth of C# is the birth of .NET Framework which is a library of code that you can reuse when programming (more on .NET Framework on the next lesson). The C Sharp programming language is the only language specifically designed for the .NET Framework. In other words, C Sharp can use the full power of the .NET Framework library. It is a very powerful language that uses object-oriented programming principles which makes programming more manageable, scalable, and easier to understand and debug. C Sharp offers simpler and easier to understand syntax compared to other languages.

In order to run a C Sharp application, the .NET framework must be installed first. C Sharp is one of the languages supported by many .NET technologies such as ASP.NET, WPF, and WCF. C Sharp has its own Integrated Development Environment which contains useful tools that aid you in coding with C Sharp. Applications you can write using C Sharp ranges from Windows Applications to Web Applications. With the introduction of C Sharp 6.0, new features have been added to this language that helps you be more productive and do more with less code.

Learn C sharp in simple and easy steps starting from basic to advanced concepts with examples including Overview, what is c sharp, Variables, Encapsulation, Reflection, Attributes, Properties, Indexes, Delegates, Events, Collections, Generics, Unsafe Codes, Preprocessor Directives, Anonymous Methods, Multithreading, Regular Expression, and Exception Handling,Environment setup, Strings, Struct, Enums, File I/O, Classes, Encapsulation, Program Structure, Basic Syntax, Data Types, Type Conversion, Constants, Operators, Decision Making, Loops, Methods, Nullables, Arrays, Interfaces, Inheritance, Namespaces, Polymorphism, Operator Overloading