ListView Control
The ListView control () allows you to show a list of items in different views and add icons to each of them. The ListView control is composed of ListViewItems which form a grid-like structure of…
DateTimePicker Control
The DateTimePicker control () is used to pick a single date. The control appears by default, as a combo box with a calendar icon at the right part. You can select each…
MonthCalendar Control
The MonthCalendar control () resembles a calendar and shows a month and all its dates. The MonthCalendar control allows you to choose a month and a date. To choose a month, click the left…
LinkLabel Control
The Link Label control is similar to an ordinary label. But it has an underline and resembles a link on a web page. The Link Label control can be used to link to files,…
PictureBox Control
You can display images on your form by using the Picture Box control. It is a simple control which has a main purpose of displaying images. All you have to do is…
NumericUpDown Control
The NumericUpDown administration is generally acclimated get numeric information sources and consequently confines client for giving invalid non-numeric Numeric UpDown management looks like a TextBox management, but there ar arrow…
CheckedListBox Control
The CheckedListBox control is similar to the ListBox control except that each item is represented by a CheckBox control. You can select each item like an ordinary ListBox, but in addition, you can also check the box…
ListBox Control
The ListBox control is used to show a list of strings which you can select. By default, you can only select one item. The List Box control is best used if you are trying…
ComboBox Control
The ComboBox control is another way of allowing a user to choose from a set of options. The ComboBox control looks like a text box with a button in its right side. When…
Panel and GroupBox Controls
The Panel control is used to group controls on a form. One good use of a panel is when you want to group radio buttons. Only one radio button from a set…